So you want to be a Ride Leader
Ride Leaders are among the highest of importance to the team. Without them, we can't go on practice rides.
We require a 6-to-1 ratio to be successful in keeping the athletes together and safe at all times. As the team grows, so does our need for your help. Here's how you can get involved with the team and become a Ride Leader.

Get approved with Woodcreek High School and the Roseville Joint Union High School District.
Fill out the 2 forms provided
WHS_Volunteer_Information_FormTurn in to the office. The office will mail you a packet with the following information
Get a LiveScan Background check. Per the instructions, this must be separate from the NICA background check and usually any other sports backgrounds.
Get a TB test. (This can usually be completed by the school nurse (Denise LaFazia)
Take the First Aid and CPR class (also provided at Woodcreek by Denise LaFazia)
Get approved with the NICA League
Get registered on PitZone. The team will initiate the invite. We just need your first and last name and an email address. You will receive an email from the league (PitZone); use the email to complete your registration.
Digitally sign the Participation Agreement
Pay the coach license fee for the year
Register with Sterling Volunteers and pay for the background check
Use the Access Coach Courses button near the top of the PitZone main page for the following:
Create an account with CDC and register for the CDC Heads Up Training (concussion training). This course is free, but you add to cart and checkout anyways.
Risk Management 1
NICA Student-Athlete Coaching Philosopy
Athlete Abuse Awareness Training
(any other/new courses required for Level 1 Coach License)

Coach and Ride Leader Responsibilities
Coaches and Ride Leaders carry the usual on-the-trail supplies, as well as radios/phones, medical kit, spare tubes, master chain links, oil, and extra clothing food and water. Riders should always show up at team rides with the proper supplies themselves, but sometimes extra food/water/mechanical assistance from Coaches or Ride Leaders is necessary to successfully complete a team ride.

If a Rider crashes and is injured during a ride, the first priority for anyone nearby is to stop and care for the Rider. If the crash is more than just a minor scrape, the Ride Leader must report the accident to the coaches via radio or text, notify the parents, and make sure that the Rider gets home safely. A coach or Ride Leader will follow up with the rider and/or parents the following day to check on the rider’s recovery. If the accident is significant, the coaches will advise as to when a NorCal Incident Report Form AND a School Incident Form must be filled out.
Ride Groups, Ride Leaders and Sweeps
Team rides are usually divided into three or four Rider groups based on the results of the Time Trials. On every team ride, each group is assigned a Ride Leader and Sweep from the pool of adult coaches and ride leaders. The Ride Leader and Sweep count the number of Riders before starting the ride, and text the coaching staff upon a successful ride completion. The Ride Leader is responsible for keeping his or her group on the proper route and leading the group through tricky sections or downhill segments. The Sweep is responsible for making sure that every member of the ride group stays on the designated route. The Ride Leader and Sweep stay in constant radio contact so that any last-minute route changes or health/mechanical issues do not strand any Rider in the ride group. Every Rider MUST STAY WITH HIS OR HER RIDE GROUP UNTIL THE END OF THE RIDE, no exceptions. If there are personal circumstances related to school, family, or illness, a Rider should choose a shorter team ride on that particular day.