Race Day Schedule
The Race Weekend can be a stressful time for riders and their traveling support crew, so it really pays off to prepare in advance, keep travel gear in one place, look through the Race Kit checklist, and create a travel routine. Note: If a Rider cannot come to a race due to illness or other unexpected event, let Woodcreekmtb@gmail.com know one week ahead of time if you can.
Here’s a sample weekend schedule for Sunday Races. If the race is on a Saturday, then it is helpful to do all of the packing and preparation on Thursday night, as the Riders usually get clearance from the high school to leave campus at noon.

Friday night
7:00am - Arrive at Pit Zone and setup
7:30am - Team meeting
8:30am - Races begin! Cheer on Varsity boys and girls
12:00pm - Look for lunch
1:00pm - Cheer on JV1 and JV2 boys and girls
4:00pm - Get packed and ready to go
5:00pm - Podiums for individuals and team
12:00pm - Departure time (drive times are usually 2 to 3 hours to race venue)
3:00pm - Pre-ride the course with coaches (this is invaluable for Riders new to course)
5:30pm - Shower and prep for dinner (sometimes group dinners will be arranged for Saturday night)
9:00pm - Early to bed! Rest up for the race
After the pre-ride, remind the students to clean their bike and oil the chain- get the bike race ready again.