Frequently asked questions

Are riders supervised during the whole ride?

No. The nature of mountain biking is such that it is impossible to keep your eyes on each rider all the time.

We have Ride Leaders and Ride Sweeps in which no rider may pass the Ride Leader and no rider will fall behind a Ride Sweep. If this is an unacceptable situation for your family, then Woodcreek MTB is NOT for you.

Can I still play on another sports team at Woodcreek?

Riders can participate in fall sports as long as they are finished with these commitments by January.

How do we find out about last-minute ride changes?

Schedule changes and meeting locations will be communicated through Team Snap. If there is a last minute cancellation due to inclement weather, Coaches will notify the riders via Alerts and Chat.

Team Snap Alerts get sent out to the rider’s email and a notification will be sent to their phone.

Team Snap Chat will send a notification to the rider’s phone.

How can I contact you?

Enter your email address and we will get back to you

Where do the funds go?
  • NICA League Dues
    Team Fees and Insurance

  • Training Equipment
    Training Obstacles
    Stationary Trainers
    Miscellaneous training expenses
    Tire Sealant

  • Spin Room
    Maintenance and upkeep of the room and supplies
    Spin Bike Maintenance
    Heart Rate Monitors & chest straps (replacing broken/lost equipment)

  • Trailer Maintenance
    Annual tune-up (brakes etc)
    Repair/replace equipment

  • Clothing
    Annual purchase of surplus clothing

  • Tools

  • Coach and Rider Leader Training and First Aid
    NICA Leader Summit
    CPR/First Aid
    Wilderness First Aid

  • Loaner Bike Program - Purchases and upkeep (Maintenance)

  • Fuel
    Reimbursement for trailer towing
    including propane

  • Race Day Food
    Pre-race food/snack
    Post-race lunch
    Shot Bloks/GUs
    Water Bottles

  • TeamSnap & Website Fees