Parents are what make this team function.

Without the willing participation of the parents, we wouldn't be able to function as well as we do.

Our Pit Zone is the hub of the Woodcreek MTB team at each race, and it’s where all the riders, parents and coaches are on race day. Woodcreek MTB prides itself on having a well run Pit Zone. We provide food for the entire Woodcreek athletes, coaches and full-day volunteers for the whole race day. We provide bike racks, warm-up trainers, recovery drinks, covered seating and mechanical assistance for the Riders. We make sure the Riders have fresh bottles of hydration for every lap of each of their races. We do almost all of it with volunteer parent labor. Running the Pit Zone is a group effort that requires major help from parents to keep our team healthy, prepared and race ready. More than a decade of hard work, wisdom and practice has gone into figuring out how to run our Pit Zone, so your time and efforts are in good hands!

We need you to volunteer at the races! Even if you are new to the team, and have never been to a race, there is a job for you. Your contribution is highly valued!

The list of Roles and Responsibilities to your left outline the general areas where we need regular volunteer labor at the races and throughout the season. Don’t worry if you aren’t sure you know how to do a job. We will teach you anything you need to know!

Click on a list of Roles and Responsibilities to your left to view their full description.


Current Roles and Responsibilities and Assignments