Travel Coordinator

The Travel Coordinator will contact the hotels in the area of the race venues and will provide a list of 2-3 hotels for each race and the associated prices for each hotel.  The Coordinator will attempt to get the best group rates possible. Information should also be provided on any local campgrounds for each venue and information on camping options on the race premises if available.

This job requires a quick response once the race dates and locations are provided in order for families to reserve before the hotels are all booked.  It should be the target of the Travel Coordinator to get group rates when available.  Quick notes on things to look for: use previous years hotels when possible; hot breakfast must be available by 6am or note otherwise; States venue changes every two years; Six Sigma races require reservations for camping at the venue (form on race flyer once it becomes available).

A list of hotels we've used in the past can be found here

Hotel Accommodations